MacDonald Farm Historic Park Tour
The MacDonald Farm Historic Park is situated on the north side of the Miramichi River just eight miles east of Chatham. It is named after Alexander MacDonald, the first MacDonald to arrive on the Miramichi in 1784.
Alexander was fairly active in public life. From 1790 to the late 1820's, he served for varying terms as town clerk, foreman, surveyor or overseer of roads, overseer of the poor, assessor, school trustee, and harbour master. He was also an important member of the Northumberland County Militia. In 1809, he was given command of the 1st Battalion Regiment, which lasted until 1864. In 1813, he was made Major Commandant, and in 1829 promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Alexander was born in Argyllshire, Scotland in 1762, and in 1790 married Grace MacLean from the Isle of Eigg, Scotland, who was born in 1772.
The MacDonald Farm Historic Site overlooks the Miramichi River in Bartibog, nestled in a pastoral setting. To discover its secrets in this perfect setting, visitors follow a winding trail leading to this unique historic homestead.
You will be treated to a tour of this stone, Georgian-style house by costumed guides, who will take you back to the 1820s when the family of Scottish settler, Alexander MacDonald, helped to settle this area. Savour the living history of smells of traditional foods cooking over an open fire, view delicate embroidery and domestic crafts of that period, and observe the gardening techniques and the daily chores of the time that were required to care for the farm animals.