The Old Letter
This is a transcription of a letter or deposition posted on ancestry.ca by Wenda50. It is written with anywords striked through in the original striked through on the transcription. There are still several words I could not clearly make out. This was likely a draft of the original deposition. Feel free to contact me if you compare the original to the transcription and have figured out some of the unclear words. - Note from treemaker.
Aberdeenshire in Scotland
Elizabeth Wilson Fowler of Mill Brex, Fyrie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland maketh oath and faith that Alexander Fraser McDonald who is at present residing at Miramichi in the Province of New Brunswick British North America is the only son of Archibald McDonald deceased. Which said Archibald McDonald, was one of the brothers of the late John MacDonald, deceased, who lately resided in Paramaribo, Surinam. That this deponent is the mother of the said Alexander Fraser McDonald and that the said Alexander Fraser McDonald was called by that name at the particular instance and request of the said late John MacDonald. And this deponent further saith that the brothers (unclear word the (unclear word) John MacDonald deceased had in all two brothers and three sisters, (unclear word) the said Archibald and Alexander, deceased without issue. Who left (unclear word) the said Alexander Fraser McDonald and Mary McDonald now married to Charles Rae – and Alexander who died without issue the other brother whose name was Alexander but who died (unclear word) issue. - the names of the sisters of the said john McDonald are Mary Ann McDo Elizabeth &. That there is only one sister of the said John McDonald deceased (unclear word) living (unclear word) Mary Ann. And that (unclear word) is not aware (unclear word or 2 words) the deceased of the late John McDonald sisters left any issue or not.
Note: What found on http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=mr&GSmpid=46993996&CRid=2256644&MRid=48304893&pt=Fyvie+Cemetery&
I have a draft copy of a deposition in it, it states that Elizabeth Wilson Fowler was the mother of Alexander Fraser McDonald. The document states that he was the son of Archibald McDonald, and that Archibald had two brothers, Alexander and John. The letter states that John encouraged Elizabeth to name Alexander after the uncle not the father, leading me to believe that Archibald was dead or denying claim to an illegitimate son. It states that Alexander was deceased and that John had died in Suriname. It further states that the Alexander Fraser MacDonald had two aunts, Elizabeth and a Mary Anne. Mary Anne was married to Charles Rae. According to the deposition there were no other children to the authors knowledge. My research shows that there was a John McDonald who served in Suriname with the British Army, he died in 1806. So Elizabeth Wilson Fowler lived in Mill Brex Fyvie at least then and maybe a few years longer.