Will of Francis Gray
Written June 7, 1667 and proved and recorded July 31,
1667 it reads as follows:
"In the name of God Amen, I Francis Gray
do make and constitute and ordain this My Last will and Testament in
manner and form as follows:
I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Alice Gray, and my son
Francis Gray all my movable Estate, such as horses, cattle, hogs, to
them and their heirs forever. I will and bequeath to my son, Francis
Gray, all my land in this County or elsewhere, be it by bill of Sale,
Contract, Patent, Purchase or otherwise, to him the said Francis Gray
and to the heirs, male or female of his body, lawfully begotten to him
and them to enjoy forever. In case of the failing of the said heirs of
the said Francis Gray as aforesaid, then the said land to be equally
divided between my daughter Ann Rush, the wife of William Rush and Ann
Lancelott, the daughter of John Lancelott, for them to enjoy forever.
I appoint my loving wife, Alice Gray, full sole executor of this my
Last Will and Testament, utterly renouncing other Wills and Testaments
by me made.
In witness thereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 7th day
of June 1667.
Teste: John Ashton Mary Gardner
Francis Gray
In a deed dated 20 November 1658 Francis Gray deeded to William Rush,
"because of the tender affection I bear to my daughter Ann," a tract of
land containing 100 acres lying in the County of Westmoreland,
Virginia, at a place called Round Hills, near the Machodoc river.
1667 it reads as follows:
"In the name of God Amen, I Francis Gray
do make and constitute and ordain this My Last will and Testament in
manner and form as follows:
I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Alice Gray, and my son
Francis Gray all my movable Estate, such as horses, cattle, hogs, to
them and their heirs forever. I will and bequeath to my son, Francis
Gray, all my land in this County or elsewhere, be it by bill of Sale,
Contract, Patent, Purchase or otherwise, to him the said Francis Gray
and to the heirs, male or female of his body, lawfully begotten to him
and them to enjoy forever. In case of the failing of the said heirs of
the said Francis Gray as aforesaid, then the said land to be equally
divided between my daughter Ann Rush, the wife of William Rush and Ann
Lancelott, the daughter of John Lancelott, for them to enjoy forever.
I appoint my loving wife, Alice Gray, full sole executor of this my
Last Will and Testament, utterly renouncing other Wills and Testaments
by me made.
In witness thereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 7th day
of June 1667.
Teste: John Ashton Mary Gardner
Francis Gray
In a deed dated 20 November 1658 Francis Gray deeded to William Rush,
"because of the tender affection I bear to my daughter Ann," a tract of
land containing 100 acres lying in the County of Westmoreland,
Virginia, at a place called Round Hills, near the Machodoc river.