George Way - Forum Notes on Parentage

Source Text:

PLEASE, PLEASE do original research. Charles Granville Way's "gleanings" as his booklet was called is in ERROR. His emigrant ancestor, George Way, was NOT related to Henry Way the Puritan. George Way was born in 1614 in Ottery St. Mary, Devon, England.
He and his father, THOMAS WAY, and 4 brothers emigrated to the U.S. in 1631 on the ship Lyon. One of the brothers was lost overboard during the trip.
George Way married Elizabeth Smith, step-daughter of Capt. John Smith in 1850.
George fished along the Maine coast for a number of years and then settled in Providence Rhode Island. He (or at least his wife) was a Quaker so they would not have settled in Mass. as Henry "the Puritan" did.
George Way's line goes back to Thomas of Ottery St. Mary, Devon, and Powerstock, Dorset. His siblings were Johan, John, Thomas, Joane , Ann and Christopher. His grandparents were George and Agnes Symes whose children were George, Thomas (b 1583), Peternell, Phillip and Agnes. Note that George and Eliz. Way of Providence, had a daughter Agnes, same as the grandmother, a rather uncommon name.
A more accurate account of this family can be found in Harry Way's well-documented book "The Connecticut Way Family". If anyone is interested in getting a copy of this book, please e-mail me and I will send you Harry's address.

Charles Granville Way did a lot of research...sent out a lot of questionaires, etc., but his connection to Henry Way was incorrect. There were a lot of George Ways in this era which has caused the confusion.

Barbara Ferdiand

Source Facts:

children, gender, immigration, location, marriage, name, parents, relative