Source Text:
Rough translation (Only translation available):
No. 2418 Thursday, Juno 6, 1948. Schedule I Estimated Receipts an Available Caib Balanee CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OR THE STATE OF OREGON FOR ! Total All Funds LANE COUNY.
In the Mutter of the; I Estate of Emily Jane Ixiwry, deceased. I ITEM I! !i wQ 5 O u, r. tfl V To Jennie Boyd. Rulh mirres. unie 3.378.00 Runes. Marian Barker. Kenneth Barker. 2,800.00 Glen Bovd. Lovetta Boyd. Lois.RaiMlen, 273.00 Ronald Boyd. Roy Boyd, Charles E. Boyd, 7,500.00 Geneva Boyd. Grace Lowry. Eva Lowry, .tAlsOO, I n,,.i nilnttn KliiP WlniiltS PlfllS- (1) ITEM Estimated Receipt from Delinquent Taxes County School Fund
Source Facts:
death, location, name, relative
Source Info:
Emily Jane Lowry - The Eugene Guard Newspaper
Created By: ellie @ 04/29/17 05:07:15PM
Last Updated: 04/29/17 05:08:02PM
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