Charles H Lowry - The Eugene Guard Newspaper

Source Text:

NOTICB TO CREDITORS. Estate of Charles II. Lowry, de-aensed. . Notice It hereby given that Anna V. Lowry has been duly appointed administrator of the estate nf Charles H. Lowry, deceased, by tbe county oourt of Lane oounty, state of Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate are qereby notified to present the same to the admlnl tratrlx et the law oflloe of Uenrge H. Dorrls In Egsne, Oregoo, wltbln six six months from the date of publics tion of this notice, with tbe necessary

Source Facts:

death, location, marriage, name

Source Info:

Charles H Lowry - The Eugene Guard Newspaper
Created By: ellie @ 04/29/17 05:13:06PM
Last Updated: 04/29/17 05:22:09PM
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