Mary Margaret Fraser - Drouin Collection Church Baptism Record

Source Text:

On the twenty fourth of December eighteen hundred twenty six, I have baptised Mary Margaret born yesterday of the (lofted?) marriage of Donald Fraser and Anna Bella McDonald, the sponsors being John Bowie and Margaret McDonald.
W Dollard
End of the year eighteen hundred and twenty six.
Laus deo virginig matre. (Praise to god, the virgin mother.)

Source Facts:

baptism, birth, location, marriage, name, parents, religion

Source Files:

JPG, 296KB, created 02/22/14 08:27:04PM

gensource image

Source Info:

Mary Margaret Fraser - Drouin Collection Church Baptism Record
Created By: ellie @ 02/22/14 08:12:38PM
Last Updated: 02/23/14 06:52:30AM