Fredrick Hetrick et altoGeorge Doverspike et alThis Indenture made the thirtieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one.Between Fredrick Hetrick and Elizabeth his wife formerly Elizabeth Doverspike, John Hetrick and Christian his wife formerly Christian Doverspike, Samuel Roads and Catherine his wife formerly Catherine Doverspike, Henry Doverspike and Lydia his wife, Daniel Roads and Rebecca his wife formerly Rebecca Doverspike, Price Taylor and Julia...
Articles by Marie Fraser of Canada The Old Lords of Lovat and Beaufort
The history of Clan Fraser has been so badly distorted in the past that it is worthwhile to clarify a few points. Although many fanciful stories have been attributed to our history in Scotland, it is generally believed that the name Fraser traces its origins to the French provinces of Anjou and Normandy.
The first generation on record included Simon Fraser in Keith, Gilbert Fraser,...
Michael Plaster was born about 1728 in Franklin co, VA.
He died about 1803 in Franklin Co. VA.
Michael married Tamar Houston on 22 Nov 1756 in Wilmington, Delaware.
The Plaster surname is Anglicized from the German name "Platsher". German derivations of the name includ Pflaster, Pflasteerer, Plaesterer, etc. It is speculated that Plasters originally founded in Paris (as in Plaster of Paris) where they started a craftman commune or syndicate specializing in plaster arts crafts, such as...
This letter was found in family documents and submitted to the Clark County Herald on 31 Oct 1882. It was written by James Plasters on 21 Sept 1881 in Marshall, Illinois.
I, James Plasters, wish to leave to my family an account of my ancestors. My grandfather on my father's side, Michael Plasters, was a native of Germany, being born on the River Rhine, and was called "High Dutch". He immigrated to the colonies of North America about the 1st of the year 1730 and settled in what is...
Michel Platscher was born 1715 in Rhineland, Palintinate, Germany. He died 31 Jan 1803 in Franklin County, Virginia at age 88. His first wife was named Tamar Houston. His second wife was Charity (or Chastitie) Williams. From the second marriage Michel and Charity had the following children: Conrad Plasters boarn 1765 and died 1842; Thomas Plasters born 1770; William Plasters born 1761; Margaret Plasters born ?; John Plasters born 1765 (there was another John born from his first...
1813, Apr. 5. Van Norden, Erickson, of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co. Intestate. Inventory, $609.92; made by Jacob Dunham, William Low. Includes set of brass mounted chair harness, notes of Jno. H. Williams, Jno. Ennis, Andrew Ryder, Jacob R. Voorhees. Sworn to by Margaret Van Norden, Administratrix, Apr. 6, 1813. File 10441 L.
An inventory of the goods, chattels, and effects of Catharine Lowrey of Parke County & State of Indiana deceased taken by John Lowrey administrator of the estate of the said deceased, withe (absence?) of James Searing & Abel Bell appraised called for that purpose.
One lot of Bed Clothing - - - 20.002 beds of bedding - - - 30.002 bed steads - - - 8.001 clock - - - 10.001 table - - - 6.001 bureau - - - 8.00One lot of chairs - - - 2.001 hare of steelyards - - - 2.001 hare of andirons -...
There is a birth record for Mary Eastman in Corinth, Vermont, daughter of Josiah and Rachel Eastman, born on December 5 1804. There is also a record for a Nancy Eastman born in the same place on March 21 1807, also a daughter of Josiah Eastman. In the book "150 years in the Dales and Hills" by Milton Ferguson, Nancy Eastman is described as being the daughter of Josiah Eastman and Rachel Holden.
Thomas Munsell (Junior) married Mary Eastman on September 7th 1823, in Licking County,...