♂ James Summerville

1764 - 1854


Somerville, Summervill, Simeral, Summerall

James Summerville
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Jane Sprott
Jane Sprott
1750 - 1820
Samuel Summerville
Samuel Summerville
1750 - 1820
Sarah Scott
Sarah Scott
1774 - 1826
Joseph Summerville
Joseph Summerville
1808 - 1883

James Summerville - From Commerative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania

James Summerville (Somerville) was a native of County Down, Ireland, and in 1782 came to America.  He got into some difficulty about shooting rabbits out of the hunting season and to avoid arrest he took passage on a vessel which was ready to sail for the New World.  He first located in Fayette County, Pennsylvania and on his arrival there his only possessions consisted of a dog and a gun.  After farming in that county for two years he removed to a place on Crooked Creek in Armstrong County and in 1796 secured 350 acres of land in Franklin Township, that county, on the present site of Worthington, and about six miles from Kittanning.
