♂ James Summerville

1764 - 1854


Somerville, Summervill, Simeral, Summerall

James Summerville
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Samuel Summerville
Samuel Summerville
1750 - 1820
Jane Sprott
Jane Sprott
1750 - 1820
Sarah Scott
Sarah Scott
1774 - 1826
Joseph Summerville
Joseph Summerville
1808 - 1883

James Summerville - Armstrong County Article

James Somerville, the grandfather, was born in County Down, Ireland, not far from Belfast, and was nineteen years of age when he came to the United States and settled near Worthington, Pa., where he claimed 400 acres. In the meanwhile he became lonely and went to Westmoreland county to marry Sarah Scott. While he was absent from his land another prospector came along and quietly settled on 200 acres of the tract, and thus James Somerville found but 200 unoccupied acres awaiting him when he returned. This he improved and lived on until he was fifty years old. He died when aged about ninety years, and was buried in the Presbyterian Church cemetery in Franklin township, of which church he was a member.

Source: Pages 755 - 756, Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J.H. Beers & Co., 1914 Transcribed February 1999 by Doris Rizza for the Armstrong County Beers Project Published 1999 by the Armstrong County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project
