♂ John Chadwick

1601 - 1680

John Chadwick
Joan Shepard
Joan Shepard
1624 - 1674

John Chadwick's Will

1st day 10th month 1680, I John Chadwick senior of Malden... my will is that my two sons John and James shall have two thirds parts of all my land and that they shall have their shares on that side which is next to their own land.

My son Samuel shall have the other third part to the Eastward with the house and orchyard.

James and Samuel shall each of them pay five pounds unto my son John. In case any one of the said sons should die leaving no issue, the land of his share shall be equally divided between the two sons that are surviving.

I give unto my daughter Hannah all my cattle, bedding brass, iron and pewter, in a word all my moveables both within doors and without.

After debts and funeral & sickness expenses are discharged out of the profits or income of my land orchyand and house that the whole profit of all my land orchard and house shall be .. said daughter for the space of four years.

But in case she should decease and have no issue surviving then my will ... all that remans of her portion shall be equally divided between my three sons John, James and Samuel. more over I bequeath unto my three daughters that are already married by way of legacy ten shillings apiece to be paid by my executor.

I constitute my son John for my executor and I make ensig Thomas Lynde and Thomas Skinner the overseers of this my will.

Witnesses ?  Jenkins & Samuel  ?


