Will of John Leggett
Will of John Leggett of Westchester, made at Port Royall, in the Island of Jamaica, dated Oct. 2nd, 1679. Letters testamentary granted to Ffredrich Phillips, as Executor by Sir Edmund Andros, Feb 2nd, 1680, reciting: Whereas John Leggett, late of Westchester, marriner, departed this life on the Island of Jamaica, and that his last will hath been proved in the court of the Mayor and Alderman of New York City, and security given by the Executor."
New York Surrogate's Office, Wills, Liber. I, pp. 448.
"In the name of God, Amen: I, John Leggett, now of Port Royall, in the island of Jamaica aforesd marriner, being very weake and sick in body but of sound mind and memory (Praise be therefore given unto Almighty God for the same), do make this my present last will and Testament, in the manner and form following (that is to say) my body I commit to the Earth to be decently Buryed, and as touching all such worldly estate God of his mercy hath been pleased to blesse me with all. I give, will and dispose of as ffolloweth, first, I will that all my debts and funerall charges shall be paid and discharged. Item, I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son John Leggett all that my one half part of the Ketch Tryall of New York, one negro boy now on board the sd Ketch, known by the name of 'You-Boy.' one Hogshead of sugar, one Barrell and eleaven gallons of Rum, Two barrells of Lyme Juice on board the sd Ketch, and all my wearing apparel both linen and woolen, a piece and remnant of white linnen: and all the rest and residue of my personal estate whatsoever (not being before bequeathed) I give and bequeath unto my now wife Anne Leggett, and unto the child she now goes withall, if it shall live to the age of two years.
I give and bequeath the sum of Thirty pounds Sterling to be paid out of the porcon or estate before hereby given unto my said son John to my good friend Mr. Frederick Phillips now of New York in America, merchant, whom I do hereby make full and sole executor of this my last will and Testament, in trust to and for the only uses and intents above mencioned, and desire him to take care of my sd son John Leggett, and bring him up, or cause him to be bred up to the sea for his livelyhood, and to pay all the above sd porcon of my sd son John at the age of one and twenty years together with all such profits and produce as shall or may be made thereoff and improved. And as touching the legacy hereby given to my sd wife I will that she shall have and receive the same immediately after my interment and Buryall and I do hereby revoke, disannull and make void all former wills and Testaments whatsoever heretofore by me either made or spoken and will this and no other to be my last will and Testament. In witness, I, the said John Leggett have hereunto sett my hand and seal the 2d day of October Anno Domini, 1679.
John Leggett, (seal)."
Antho. Suimmer, Miles Garret,
Chas. Dawson, Tho. Cakewood, Sr.
Codicil orders payment of "L10, 1s, 6d on demand to Mr. Olfords of N.Y. for 5 barrells of flowr."