John Tillotson Genealogy
The surname Tillotson is TILLOTSON derived, according to Patronimica Britannica, from the personal name William, or rather from its diminutive, Till. Bilson, Wilson and various other surnames are derived in a similar way. Tillotson is a very ancient name, in use probably as early as A. D. 1200. Tilston and Tileston are variations in spelling. John Tillotson, Arch-bishop of Canterbury, who died in November, 1694, bore this coat-ofarms: Azure a band cottised between two garbs or. Crest: Out of a mural coronet a greyhound's head. The most ancient and the only other Tillotson coat-of-arms is described:
Azue two cotises between as many garbs or. Crest: A pelican's head erased proper.
(I) John Tillotson, the American immigrant, was born in Yorkshire, England, and emigrated to this country in the ship "James" from Southampton, arriving in Boston in June, 1635. He was one of the first settlers and proprietors of Rowley, Massachusetts, and his home lot was one acre and a half on the south side of Thomas Burkley's lot. He removed afterward to the adjacent town of Newbury, and about 1660 to Saybrook, Connecticut. He married, July 14. 1648, Dorcas Coleman, who died January 1, 1655. He married, May 24, 1655, Jane Evans. He doubtless was married previously to 1648, for a child of his died at Newbury, March 17, 1648. Children of John by wife Dorcas, born at Newbury: 1. Mary, born February 13, 1650. 2. John, born February 2. 1651, died at Saybrook, Connecticut, June 5. 1719; married, November 25, 1680. Mary Morris, of Hartford; children: Mary, born November 30, 1681; John, October 25, 1683; Joshua, March 26, 1687; Joseph, March
29, 1689; Martha, November 1, 1691; Thomas, November 17, 1694. 3. James, born December 19, 1652. died May 30, 1694; married, May
30, 1680, Elizabeth ;child, Joanna,
born at Lyme, Connecticut, January 9, 169293. Children by wife Jane: 4. Philadelphia, born September 16, 1656. 5. Joseph, born January 11, 1657. 6. Jonathan, born July 6, 1659: settled at Lyme; married, January 10, 1683, Mary Jones; son Jonathan, born October 26, 1685.
The records of the second and third generations are wanting for the most part. The family was located in Lyme and Saybrook, Connecticut. In the fourth generation at Lyme, we have apparently a full record of the children of Simon, James, Levi and William, who were brothers or cousins, descendants of John Tillotson. Simeon, married January 9, 1755, Martha Webb, of Ashford; James married, February 4, 1741-42, Elizabeth Davis; Levi married, August 16, 1748, Mary Davis.
(IV) William Tillotson, great-grandson of John Tillotson, lived at Lyme, Connecticut. He married, March 7, 1754, Susanna Chapman. Children, born at Lyme: George, born November 14, 1754; Azubah, March 18, 1756; Anne, March 24. 1758; Bela, March 13, 1762; Morehouse, September 5, 1763; Isaac, mentioned below: Richard, December 14, 1766, died 1767; Damaris, November 22, 1768; Anna, August 11, 1770; Susan, May 27, 1773; Live (Levi), January 26, 1775. The census of 1790 gives George, William, Bela and Isaac as heads of families in New London county,