William Fountain Death
From the Eau Claire Leader, 29 May 1900:
Drowned While Bathing
Eighteen-year-old William Fountain Meets Death While Swimming in the Chippewa River
Wm. Fountain about 18 years of age, an employee of the paper mill, was drowned while swimming the Chippewa Monday afternoon. Wearing only a pair of overalls, he had swum from the Dells rafting shed, West side, to the opposite bank and soon thereafter started to swim back to the West side. A short distance out from shore he was seized with cramps. Boys on the bank saw his struggles but thought until it was too late, that he was treading water. Messrs O'Brien, Wood, Miller, of the Paper Mill, went out in boats. The body was recovered after about two hours' work, Will Lightheizer diving from a boat during the search. The remains were taken to Fleming's undertaking parlors. Mrs. Lena Fountain, mother of William is a widow, residing on Mill Street. He was employed in the sulphite mill. A brother and sister also mourn his untimely death.
The funeral takes place on Wednesday morning at 8:30, from the residence, 416 Mill Street.
An inquest was held by Coroner Kortsch last evening at 613 Forest street. It was held there because the body was found near the east shore of the Chippewa river, foot of Oak street.
Mr. O'Brien's son was drowned about a year ago, and the dragging apparatus, consisting of hooks and anchors, used to recover his body was used again Sunday to find the body of Wm. Fountain.
Note: Article gives Monday and Sunday as day of accident. Death Record date is 26 May 1900.
Narrative: Eau Claire Leader, May 1900
Generous Papermakers
The Papermakers of the Dells Paper Co., yesterday generously subscribed $223 among themselves for the widowed mother of Willie Fountain, who was drowned in the Chippewa river on Sunday last. The deceased was the sole support of his mother and this timely aid will be much appreciated. He was a young man of excellent character, sober, steady and industrious, and his chances of promotion were good until this deplorable accident closed a career which opened with such brightness.