William Skidmore - Story
REFN: 5120
Custom Field:<_FA#> Bef 30 Nov 1615England
WILLIAM SKYDMORE - Born about 1545 at Mayshill, Westerle igh,England. He
was doubtless over 60 in 1608 and a younger son of John Skyd moreof that place.
He was living there on 8 September 1614, but was dead by 3 0November 1615 when
the administration of his estate was given to his son Joh nScudamore.
Much of what we know kof this William Skidmore comes from the long gossipy will
of his sister Elizabeth who had gone in the 1590's to live in the household of
Sir John Stafford at Marlwood Park in Thornbury, Gloucestershire. Sir John on
the point of leaving for the expedition in Spain left an unprobated will dated
10 May 1596 leaving her L5. She was buried in the d churchyard at St Mary's,
Thornbury, on 18 September 1614 leaving a long will dated th esame day. She
left Sir John Stafford the chest or coffer "now in the chambe rwithin the day-
house" land he was named the sole dexecutor of her will. Therewerte a multi-
tude of other bequests to Lady Dorothy Stafford and her oth erfriends at Thorn-
bury, both in cash legacies and in personal property. Sh e alsoremembered most
of her nephews and nieces at Westerleigh. To William Sk idmore'sson of Mays-
hill, she left 40sh of the L6 "which the William his fat heroweth me" and the
other L4 she left to the two children of Christopher Cor nock"which he had by
Joyce the daughter of my brother Richard Skidmore." and to MarySkidmore, her
sister-in-law. She also remembered Mary, the daughter j ofThomas Lawrence ot
The Hackett, Thornbury, and she left "my great coffer an d thelinen in it at
my decease" to the wife of William Croome of Westerleigh [andthe daughter of
James Skidmore].[1.ged]
REFN: 5120
Custom Field:<_FA#> Bef 30 Nov 1615England
WILLIAM SKYDMORE - Born about 1545 at Mayshill, Westerle igh,England. He
was doubtless over 60 in 1608 and a younger son of John Skyd moreof that place.
He was living there on 8 September 1614, but was dead by 3 0November 1615 when
the administration of his estate was given to his son Joh nScudamore.
Much of what we know kof this William Skidmore comes from thelon g gossipy will
of his sister Elizabeth who had gone in the 1590's to live int he household of
Sir John Stafford at Marlwood Park in Thornbury,Gloucestershi re. Sir John on
the point of leaving for the expedition in Spain left anunpr obated will dated
10 May 1596 leaving her L5. She was buried in the dchurchy ardat St Mary's,
Thornbury, on 18 September 1614 leaving a long will dated th esame day. She
left Sir John Stafford the chest or coffer "now in the chambe rwithin the day-
house" land he was named the sole dexecutor of her will. Th erewerte a multi-
tude of other bequests to Lady Dorothy Stafford and her oth erfriends at Thorn-
bury, both in cash legacies and in personal property. Sh e alsoremembered most
of her nephews and nieces at Westerleigh. To William Sk idmore'sson of Mays-
hill, she left 40sh of the L6 "which the William his fat heroweth me" and the
other L4 she left to the two children of Christopher Cor nock"which he had by
Joyce the daughter of my brother Richard Skidmore." and to MarySkidmore, her
sister-in-law. She also remembered Mary, the daughter j ofThomas Lawrence ot
The Hackett, Thornbury, and she left "my great coffer an d thelinen in it at
my decease" to the wife of William Croome of Westerleigh [andthe daughter of
James Skidmore].
Custom Field:<_FA#> Bef 30 Nov 1615England
WILLIAM SKYDMORE - Born about 1545 at Mayshill, Westerle igh,England. He
was doubtless over 60 in 1608 and a younger son of John Skyd moreof that place.
He was living there on 8 September 1614, but was dead by 3 0November 1615 when
the administration of his estate was given to his son Joh nScudamore.
Much of what we know kof this William Skidmore comes from the long gossipy will
of his sister Elizabeth who had gone in the 1590's to live in the household of
Sir John Stafford at Marlwood Park in Thornbury, Gloucestershire. Sir John on
the point of leaving for the expedition in Spain left an unprobated will dated
10 May 1596 leaving her L5. She was buried in the d churchyard at St Mary's,
Thornbury, on 18 September 1614 leaving a long will dated th esame day. She
left Sir John Stafford the chest or coffer "now in the chambe rwithin the day-
house" land he was named the sole dexecutor of her will. Therewerte a multi-
tude of other bequests to Lady Dorothy Stafford and her oth erfriends at Thorn-
bury, both in cash legacies and in personal property. Sh e alsoremembered most
of her nephews and nieces at Westerleigh. To William Sk idmore'sson of Mays-
hill, she left 40sh of the L6 "which the William his fat heroweth me" and the
other L4 she left to the two children of Christopher Cor nock"which he had by
Joyce the daughter of my brother Richard Skidmore." and to MarySkidmore, her
sister-in-law. She also remembered Mary, the daughter j ofThomas Lawrence ot
The Hackett, Thornbury, and she left "my great coffer an d thelinen in it at
my decease" to the wife of William Croome of Westerleigh [andthe daughter of
James Skidmore].[1.ged]
REFN: 5120
Custom Field:<_FA#> Bef 30 Nov 1615England
WILLIAM SKYDMORE - Born about 1545 at Mayshill, Westerle igh,England. He
was doubtless over 60 in 1608 and a younger son of John Skyd moreof that place.
He was living there on 8 September 1614, but was dead by 3 0November 1615 when
the administration of his estate was given to his son Joh nScudamore.
Much of what we know kof this William Skidmore comes from thelon g gossipy will
of his sister Elizabeth who had gone in the 1590's to live int he household of
Sir John Stafford at Marlwood Park in Thornbury,Gloucestershi re. Sir John on
the point of leaving for the expedition in Spain left anunpr obated will dated
10 May 1596 leaving her L5. She was buried in the dchurchy ardat St Mary's,
Thornbury, on 18 September 1614 leaving a long will dated th esame day. She
left Sir John Stafford the chest or coffer "now in the chambe rwithin the day-
house" land he was named the sole dexecutor of her will. Th erewerte a multi-
tude of other bequests to Lady Dorothy Stafford and her oth erfriends at Thorn-
bury, both in cash legacies and in personal property. Sh e alsoremembered most
of her nephews and nieces at Westerleigh. To William Sk idmore'sson of Mays-
hill, she left 40sh of the L6 "which the William his fat heroweth me" and the
other L4 she left to the two children of Christopher Cor nock"which he had by
Joyce the daughter of my brother Richard Skidmore." and to MarySkidmore, her
sister-in-law. She also remembered Mary, the daughter j ofThomas Lawrence ot
The Hackett, Thornbury, and she left "my great coffer an d thelinen in it at
my decease" to the wife of William Croome of Westerleigh [andthe daughter of
James Skidmore].