♂ William W Chapman

???? - 1699

William W Chapman
Samuel Chapman
Samuel Chapman
1665 - 1758

Will of William Chapman

I William Chapman of New London senior, being sick adn weak of body, but threw the goodness of God, in perfect memory and good understanding, do make this my last Will and Testament revoking amaking void all others:

first I resine up my sole to God who gave it and my body to the ground be buried decently and handsomely, and what of the things of this world God hath grasassly given me I depose of as followeth, first I will that all my just debts be honestly discharged and payed, and as to my funeral charges I will that they be discharged next.

Item, I give unto my eldest son Jogn Chapman, a double portion of my estate.

Item, I give unto my son William Chapman his equal proportion with his brothers allowing John his double portion as afore of my estate.

Item, I give to my son Samuel his equal proportion of my estate with his brothers allowing John as abovesaid.

Item, i give to my son Joseph Chapman an equal proportion of my estate with his brothers allowing his eldest brother as abovesaid.

Item, I give unto my two daughters, Sarah and Rebeccah, all the utensils and moveable household stuff, within or that belongs to ye house, to be equally divided between them ; next I will that my son Jeremiah, if he please, have my house and home lot, paying out to his brothers the several legasys I have given them by this my last Will and Testament.  I appoint my son Jeremiah Chapman to be my Executor to this my last Will and Testament, in witness wherof I have here set to my hand and seal this the first day of April 1669


William W Chapnman.


John Plum

Green Plumb

From page 266 of "the Chapman Family."
