Joyce Baker
Margaret Merry
Margaret Merry
1567 - 1617
Richard Baker
Richard Baker
1578 - 1604
Nicholas Butler
Nicholas Butler
1595 - 1671

Will of Joyce Baker

     I, Joice Butler being through Gods blessing at present, of sound memory and understanding, doe make this my last will, and testament: Revoking all former whatsoever; and first my will is and I will and be- queath to my son Hennerie Butler, my Silver Boule and a carpet, & to each of his three sonnes, one Silver Spoone:
     Nextly, I will and bequeath, to my Grandson John Butler, all the brass of the kitchen; and to my Grandson Thomas Butler one iron pot- tage pott, an Iron Kettle, and my bead, Beadstead, and all the furniture belonging to it, as it is in present use, as two pair of blanketts, two pillows
     &c— And I Give more to my Grandson John Butler, all the Bead and Beading above stairs:
Nextly, I will and bequeath, all my Hnnen, to be Equally devided Between my Grandchildren, John and Thomas Butler, and Mary Athearn. And Nextly, I will and Bequeath, to my three Grandchildren afore- said, all my Great Cattle, to be Equally devided among them, that is to say, John Butler, Thomas Butler, and Mary Athearn: Except only that my Grandson Thomas Butler, shall have two more to his part; and one heifer, before the devision set apart, which heifer I doe will and bequeath to my Grandson Samuell Minott:
     And my will is, and I bequeath all my Sheep to my two Grandsons John Butler, and Thomas Butler, to be Equally devided between them: Nextly, I will and bequeath to my Grandson Thomas Butler, my Dwelling house, with the long Table and hanging Cupboard, and to my Grandson John Butler, my cupboard, and Chest which was Joseph But- lers: and to my Granddaughter Mary Athearn, my Chest and two joint Stools: and as to my Chaires, I give the table Chaires to my Grandson Thomas Butler: the remainder of the Chaires, I leave to be Equally devided between my Grandchildren, John, and Thoinas Butler and Mary
     Nextly my will is, and I doe oblige my two Grandsons John and Thomas Butler that they shall pay to my granddaughter Hannah Chadduck, two hundred weight of fleece wooll, yearly fivety pounds, untill it is payed which is within four years:
     And as to Lands, I will and Bequeath, all my lands with the privel- ledges and appurtenances, to my Grandson Thomas Butler and my pew- ter, I will to be Devided, as my linnen as abovesaid, viz: between my Grandchildren John and Thomas Butler and Mary Athearn.
     And lastly I Appoint my Grandson John Butler to be Sole Execcutor and Administrator, to this my last will, and my will is, and I doe Request my friendes Mr. Richard Sarson, and Matthew Mayhew, to be overseers that it may be performed:
And in witness of this my last will and Testament I the said Joice Butler have put hereto my hand and Seall, this thirteenth day of March,
     in the year of our Lord, one Thousand, Six hundred Seventy & nine, Alias Eighty 

     Witness JOICE BUTLER, Matt Mayhew, Richard Sarson.

     The inventory of the Estate of Mrs. Joice Butler deceased taken by Joseph Norton and Thomas Trapp Octobr :
     the lands and accommodations
     a five and twentieth lot
     half a commonage
     land at the Short Neck
     two shares & halfe of Meadow not of said accommodations
     The moveable Estate valued at 102 pd 12s


-From The History of Martha's Vineyard
