♂ Richard Baker

1578 - 1604

Richard Baker
Thomas Baker
Thomas Baker
1556 - 1625
Griselda Barnes
Griselda Barnes
1558 - 1589
Margaret Merry
Margaret Merry
1567 - 1617

A miller of Ashford.





Barnes - The Visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570 ..., Part 1


Sissinghurst, Kent, England ⇓
Most records say Joyce's Butlers family had resided in Kent for many genrations, and that her father was "of Ashford." His parents' families were of the area of Kent known as "Sissinghurst" at the time, however, which is most likely where he was born. At the time of his mother's death, it was mentioned that he was eleven years old, and this gives the rough estimate for his year of birth.
6 Sources ⇓
1578 • The Duel of the Mignons claims the lives of two favorites of Henry III of France and two favourites of Henry I, Duke of Guise.


Age: 24y

birth of child

Joyce Baker
Ashford, Kent, England ⇓
She had a brother Thomas, and two sisters, Joan and Mary. Thomas Baker in his will 26 May 1626 speaks of his "sister Joys Butler," and Nicholas Butler is a witness. She is mentioned in both her father and her grandfather Christopher Merry's will. Henry Vanner of Canterbury mentioned her in his will as "Cousin Joyce, daughter of Richard Baker" and married to "Nicholas Butler".
2 Sources ⇓


Sep 5
Age: 26y
Richard Baker - Kent, England, Tyler Index to Parish Registers, 1538-1874


Administration of his will speaks of children: Thomas Baker, Joane Baker, Joyce Baker, Mary Baker. After his death, his wife remarried John Harker in 1605.
4 Sources ⇓
1604 • The Sikh Holy Scripture Guru Granth Sahib is compiled and edited by Guru Arjan.
