♀ Adéle of France

1009 - 1079


Adela the Holy, Adela of Messines, Countess of Flanders

Adéle of France
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Robert II of France
Robert II of France
0972 - 1031
Constance of Arles
Constance of Arles
0986 - 1034
Baldwin V of Flanders
Baldwin V of Flanders
1012 - 1067
Matilda of Flanders
Matilda of Flanders
1031 - 1083

Adèle had a strong interest in Baldwin V’s church reforms and was behind her husband’s founding of several collegiate churches . Directly or indirectly, she was responsible for establishing the Colleges of Aire (1049), Lille (1050) and Harelbeke (1064) as well as the abbeys of Messines (1057) and Ename (1063). After Baldwin’s death in 1067, she went to Rome, took the nun’s veil from the hands of Pope Alexander II and retired to the Benedictine convent of Messines, near Ypres . There she later died and was buried at the convent. Honoured as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church , her commemoration day is 8 September.


Age: 19y
1028 Henry III, son of Conrad II, is elected king of the Germans.


Age: 22y
1031 • The Ummayyad Caliphate of Córdoba collapses.


Jan 8
Age: 70y


Mesen, Belgium ⇓
Died at the Benedictine Convent of Messines
1 Source ⇓
1079 • Upon the death of Håkan the Red, Halsten returns as king of Sweden, jointly with his brother Inge the Elder.
