Jun 8 1633
Barent Jacobsen Cool sailed to New Amsterdam in the services of the Dutch West-India Company, on one of his sailings possibly from Amsterdam as a sailor in late 1632 on the ship Soutberg, which arrived in April 1633 with 140 soldiers. At this time, New Amsterdam, or New York City, only had a population of around 400-500. On June 8, he and six others signed a treaty with the Sickename Indians to purchase land on the Connecticut River. The cost was recorded as 27 rolls of cloth, 6 axes, 6 kettles, 18 knives, and other articles. Barent's group also built a trading house called "The House of Good Hope" or "Huys de Hoop" and fortified it with several cannons. This was done to halt English exploration of the land.
New Amsterdam, New York, USASources:
- Barent Jacobsen Cool - 1633 June 8: Agreement for a Trading House on the Connecticut River (Pre-Minute Books documents)
(event, location, name) - Barent Jacobsen Cool - Wikitree (Includes Many Records)
(birth, children, location, marriage, name, parents)