♂ Benjamin Eastman

1652 - 1725

Benjamin Eastman
Ann Pitts
Ann Pitts
???? - 1698
Edmund Eastman
Edmund Eastman
1680 - 1719

He was a tanner by trade.  He was married three times, first to Ann Pitts (the widow of Samuel Joy), second to Naomi Flanders, and third to Sarah, who had also been widowed twice, previously married to Samuel Carter and Ephraim Brown.


Apr 5
Age: 25y
1678 Titus Oates begins to present allegations of the Popish Plot, a supposed Roman Catholic conspiracy to assassinate king Charles II of England. Oates applies the term Tory to those who disbelieve his allegations.


Jan 20
Age: 27y


Jan 20
Age: 27y


Age: 71y
Benjamin Eastman - Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001


Amesbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA ⇓
In his will he he speaks of "my first wife," and again of "my second wife" and " the estate she brought me." His will was dated August 13th of that year, and went to probate March 4 1728.
2 Sources ⇓
1725 • The Black Watch is founded in Scotland.
