He was a whitesmith in 1850 - A person who worked with metal, especially tin, sometimes polishing and furnishing metals.
Sep 1
birthBrooklyn, Windham, Connecticut, USA ⇓ Charles had older sisters Maria and Emeline, and younger sisters Olive, Nancy Elizabeth, and Emily Tryphenia who died at three years old. He also had an older brother William Robert, and younger brothers George Henry, Andrew Murdock, and Henry Chaffee. He was one of ten children. 7 Sources ⇓ |
1809 • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck publishes Philosophie Zoologique, outlining the concept of evolution. |
Age: 25y
Age: 25y
marriageAnna Eliza Lott Delaware County, New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
Age: 25y
birth of childEmily B Franklin New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1835 • USA: The Second Seminole War breaks out. |
Age: 28y
birth of childLucian Augustus Franklin New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1838 • Friedrich Bessel makes the first accurate measurement of distance to a star. |
Age: 30y
1840 • The first known picture of Niagara Falls is taken by Hugh Lee Pattinson. |
Sep 30
Age: 32y
occupationNew York, USA ⇓ Was an inspector for the treasury department. 1 Source ⇓ |
1841 • The active volcano Mount Erebus in Antarctica is discovered and named by James Clark Ross.Ross, Voyage to the Southern Seas, '1', pp. 216–8. |
Age: 32y
birth of childClarissa Ann Franklin New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1842 • The Iberian Peninsula is struck by a category 2 hurricane. |
Apr 18
Age: 33y
occupationBrooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓ Charles L. Franklin is elected an Inspector of Election for third ward, along with William McDonald. 1 Source ⇓ |
1843 • Argentina supports Rosas of Uruguay and begins a siege of Montevideo. |
Age: 35y
birth of childArabella Voris Franklin New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1845 • In Annapolis, Maryland, the Naval School (later renamed the United States Naval Academy) opens with fifty midshipmen and seven professors. |
Feb 13
Age: 38y
birth of childHenry Clay Franklin Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓ 4 Sources ⇓ |
1848 • Louis Philippe, King of the French, abdicates in favour of his grandson, Philippe, comte de Paris, and flees to England after days of revolution in Paris. The French Second Republic is later proclaimed by Alphonse de Lamartine in the name of the provisional government elected by the Chamber under the pressure of the mob. |
Aug 10
Age: 40y
residenceBrooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓ Shows occupation as a Whitesmith 1 Source ⇓ |
1850 • The University of Sydney (the oldest in Australia) is founded. |
Age: 45y
occupationBrooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓ He was elected as an assessing officer. 1 Source ⇓ |
1855 • Stamp duty is removed from newspapers in Britain, creating mass market media in the United Kingdom. |
Jun 12
Age: 45y
1855 • First ascent of Monte Rosa, the second highest summit in the Alps. |
Jun 14
Age: 50y
residenceBrooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓ Was a Sheriff Deputy 1 Source ⇓ |
1860 • A new Māori revolt begins in New Zealand. |
Age: 55y
1865 • United States Secretary of State William H. Seward and his family are attacked in his home by Lewis Powell. |
Aug 12
Age: 60y
residenceBrooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓ Was a Real Estate Agent 1 Source ⇓ |
1870 • The British government admits the former Hudson's Bay Company territory of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory to the Dominion of Canada. |
Age: 65y
residenceBrooklyn, Kings, New York, USA ⇓ Was a Real Estate Agent. 1 Source ⇓ |
1875 • The Birmingham City F.C. is founded, as Small Heath Alliance, in Small Heath, Birmingham, England. |
Jun 8
Age: 70y
residenceAllegany, Cattaraugus, New York, USA ⇓ Was a Real Estate Agent 1 Source ⇓ |
1880 • In Menlo Park, New Jersey, Thomas Edison performs the first test of his electric railway. |
Feb 11
Age: 73y
1883 • Peru and Chile sign the Treaty of Ancón, by which the Tarapacá province is ceded to Chile, ending Peru's involvement in the War of the Pacific. |