1739 • The Stono Rebellion erupts near Charleston. |
Dec 24
Age: 23y
marriageJohn Munselle Lyme, New London, Connecticut, USA ⇓ 3 Sources ⇓ |
1761 • A transit of Venus occurs, and is observed from 120 locations around the Earth. |
Jul 19
Age: 28y
birth of childThomas Munselle Lyme, New London, Connecticut, USA ⇓ 7 Sources ⇓ |
1767 • William Tryon, governor of the Royal Colony of North Carolina, signs a contract with architect John Hawks to build Tryon Palace, a lavish Georgian style governor's mansion on the New Bern waterfront. |
Age: 51y
residenceNew London, Connecticut, USA ⇓ John Munsell and John Munsell's sons Thomas and John are all living next door to each other with their families. 1 Source ⇓ |
1790 • The United States patent system is established. |
Age: 61y
1800 • Alessandro Volta describes his new invention, the voltaic pile, the first chemical battery, in a letter to the Royal Society of London. |
Age: 61y
residenceLyme, New London, Connecticut, USA ⇓ They are living next door to their son John Munsell Jr. On the same page, some Tillotsons are also living. 1 Source ⇓ |
1800 • Fort William College is established by Lord Wellesley, British Governor-General of India, in Calcutta to promote Bengali, Hindi and other vernaculars of the Indian subcontinent. |
Jan 15
Age: 63y
1802 • At West Point, New York the United States Military Academy opens. |
burialConnecticut, USA ⇓ Buried at Coult Cemetery. 2 Sources ⇓ |