Fannie F Hicks
Charles Hicks
Charles Hicks
1806 - 1879
Catherine Van Norden
Catherine Van Norden
1811 - 1903
Thomas R Hicks
Thomas R Hicks
1829 - 1908
Josephine Hicks
Josephine Hicks
1835 - 1921
Walter E Hicks
Walter E Hicks
1847 - 1892
Jessie Hicks
Jessie Hicks
1849 - 1875




1844 • This second date, predicted by the Millerites for the Second Coming of Jesus, leads to the Great Disappointment. The Seventh-day Adventist Church denomination of the Christian religion believe this date to be the starting point of the Investigative judgment just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus as declared in the 26th of 28 fundamental doctrines of Seventh-day Adventists.


Charles Hicks - 1840 Census


In the two houses behind Charles Hicks, there is a Mrs. Van Norden aged 20-30, and then a Wm A Van Norden aged 40-50 years. Also living on the same page as Charles Hicks is an Abraham Van Norden. William Van Norden's brother James is also living in ward 14, on page 418. modified
1 Source ⇓
1840 • The Washingtonian Temperance Society is founded.
