1884 • The flag of Estonia is consecrated as the flag of the Estonian Students Society. |
Jun 5
Age: 15y
1900 • Dr. Henry A. Rowland of Johns Hopkins University announces a theory about the cause of the Earth's magnetism. |
Age: 22y
residenceSpokane, Washington, USA ⇓ Genevieve is working as a "Sales Lady" in Spokane in 1907 1 Source ⇓ |
1907 • March 16 – Elections to the new Parliament of Finland are the first in the world with woman candidates, as well as the first elections in Europe where universal suffrage is applied. Nineteen women are elected. |
Oct 15
Age: 23y
marriageWilliam Stanley Johnson Spokane, Washington, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1907 • British passenger liner RMS Mauretania, the world's largest and fastest at this date, sets out on her maiden voyage from Liverpool (England) to New York. |
Feb 14
Age: 24y
birth of childLeland Stanford Johnson Spokane, Washington, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1909 • Japan and China sign the Jiandao/Gando Treaty, which gives Japan a way to receive railroad concessions in Manchuria. |
Age: 25y
residenceSpokane, Washington, USA ⇓ Stanley is working as a Real Estate Agent in Spokane 1 Source ⇓ |
1910 • The electric streetcars of Austria-Hungary, France, Germany and Great Britain are carrying 6.7 million riders per year. |
Age: 35y
1920 • A referendum in Switzerland is favorable to joining the League of Nations. |
Age: 45y
1930 • The Chittagong Rebellion begins in India with the Chittagong armoury raid. |
Age: 55y
1940 • The Civil Aeronautics Administration is placed under the Department of Commerce. |
Aug 30
Age: 58y
birth of childThomas Stanley Johnson Seattle, King, Washington, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1942 • WWII: Attack on Sydney Harbour: The Australian cities of Sydney and Newcastle are shelled by Japanese submarines. The eastern suburbs of both cities are damaged and the east coast is blacked out. |
Jan 16
Age: 95y
1980 • Talpiot Tomb is found in Jerusalem. |