Butler/Baker - The Ancestry of Blanche Butler Ames and Adelbert Ames

Source Text:

Archdeaconry of Canterbury Act Books, 24 fol. 89: Richard Baker of Ashford married Margaret. Administration of his will speaks of children: Thomas Baker, Joane Baker, Joyce Baker, Mary Baker. In the Archdeaconry of Canterbury: Thomas Baker in his will 26 May 1626 speaks of his "sister Joys Butler," and Nicholas Butler is a witness.

Source Facts:

children, location, marriage, name

Source Info:

Butler/Baker - The Ancestry of Blanche Butler Ames and Adelbert Ames
Created By: ellie @ 12/02/15 06:55:57PM
Last Updated: 01/30/16 02:27:48PM
Source URL: https://books.google.com/books?id=RUAxAAAAMAAJ&q=%22Joyce%22+%22Nicholas+Butler%22+%22Richard+Baker%22&dq=%22Joyce%22+%22Nicholas+Butler%22+%22Richard+Baker%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEndnI177JAhVBuZQKHbyJDIMQ6AEILTAE