Source Text:
Name Jeptha King (age 45+)
2 males under 10
1 male 10-16
2 females 10-16
1 female 16-26
1 female over 60
2 persons engaged in agriculture
Event Type Census
Event Date 1820
Event Place Rutland, Jefferson, New York, United States
Page 469
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1820," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 3 April 2017), Jeptha King, Rutland, Jefferson, New York, United States; citing p. 469, NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 72; FHL microfilm 193,727.
Source Facts:
location, name
Source Info:
Jeptha King - 1820 United States Federal Census
Created By: ellie @ 04/02/17 09:50:23PM
Last Updated: 04/02/17 09:53:46PM
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