Oct 10
1736 • Real Arissona, namesake of the U.S. state Arizona, is founded in what is now that state. |
Age: 31y
birth of childJeptha King Tiverton, Rhode Island, USA ⇓ Based on the 1830 and 1810 U.S. Censuses, Jeptha was born at earliest 1766, at latest 1770. This fits with his birth date on the 1850 census in Licking, Ohio, which also lists his birth place as Rhode Island. He was likely born at Tiverton, the same place his sister was born three years later. 5 Sources ⇓ |
1768 • Samuel Adams's circular letter is issued by the Massachusetts House of Representatives and sent to the other Thirteen Colonies. Refusal to revoke the letter will result in dissolution of the Massachusetts Assembly and (from October) Which incurred the institution of martial law to prevent civil unrest. |
Feb 25
Age: 33y
marriageSarah Fish Rhode Island, USA ⇓ The town marriages index lists Job King's father's name as Benjamin King, and Sarah Fish's father's name as Ebenezer Fish. 2 Sources ⇓ |
1770 • Boston Massacre: Eleven Americans are shot, five fatally, by British troops in an event that helps start the American Revolutionary War five years later. |
Age: 40y
1777 • Friedrich Maximilian Klinger's play Sturm und Drang is premiered by the Seyler theatrical company in Leipzig, giving its name to the whole Sturm und Drang movement in German literature. |
Aug 26
Age: 41y
militaryRhode Island, USA ⇓ He participated in the Battle of Rhode Island while he served in the Revolutionary War. The war happened August 29th, three days after he was enrolled, and in the same county he lived. His captain, Isaac Cook, also had men who died in the war. The following description comes from Wikipedia: "Continental Army and militia forces under the command of General John Sullivan were withdrawing to the northern part of Aquidneck Island after abandoning their siege of Newport, Rhode Island when the British forces in Newport sortied, supported by recently arrived Royal Navy ships, and attacked the retreating Americans. The battle ended inconclusively, but afterwards Continental forces withdrew to the mainland, leaving Aquidneck Island in British hands. The battle was the first attempt at cooperation between French and American forces following France's entry into the war as an American ally [...] frustrated in part by difficult relations between the commanders, as well as by a storm that damaged both French and British fleets shortly before joint operations were to begin." 3 Sources ⇓ |
1778 • American Revolutionary War: French invasion of Dominica captures the British fort there before the latter is aware that France has entered the war in the Franco-American alliance. |
Age: 53y
residenceDanby, Vermont, USA ⇓ Living nearby is Prince Allen, who married Job and Sarah (Fish) King's daughter Experience. 1 Source ⇓ |
1790 • Compromise of 1790: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton come to an agreement: Madison agrees to not be "strenuous" in opposition for the assumption of state debts by the federal government; Hamilton agrees to support the capital site being above the Potomac. |