Emily Elizabeth Morgan - Colonial Funeral Home Obituary

Source Text:

A Memorial Service for Mrs. Emily E. Morgan, 106, of Orlando, FL., who passed away Friday, May 17, 2019, will be held Wednesday, May 22, 2019 2PM in the Commons Chapel, 210 Lake Drive, Orlando, Florida 32801. Mrs. Morgan was born May 16, 1913 in Orlando, FL and was survived by her step-daughter, Judith Burkett of Franklin, NC and nephew, William C. Weir of Winter Park, FL. Arrangements entrusted to Carey Hand Colonial Funeral Home, 2811 Curry Ford Rd., Orlando, FL 32806 407-898-2561.www.careyhand.com

Source Facts:

birth, children, death, relative

Source Files:

JPG, 43KB, created 10/13/19 11:16:58AM

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Source Info:

Emily Elizabeth Morgan - Colonial Funeral Home Obituary
Created By: ellie @ 10/13/19 11:16:14AM
Last Updated: 10/14/19 01:08:57PM
Source URL: https://www.careyhandcolonialfh.com/notices/Emily-Morgan