
In the Name of God Amen I Joseph Chaffee of the town of Swanzey in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts in New England being Sick & weak in Body But of sound & perfect mind & memory Prased be god Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament In manner & forme following: First and principally I commend my sowle into the Hands of Almighty God And Unto Jesus Christ my Dear Redeemer and my Body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the...
MERRYChristopher Merry of Ashford [  ?  ]      PRC17 - 97/334 8 February 1610[11] to son Robert   -  £20    daughter Margaret Hawker  -  £10            Joane, Joyce, Mary & Thomas Baker and John & Elizabeth Haaawker, children of my daughter               Margaret Hawker   -  20sh each Executor : wife  [     ] and to have residue Christopher Merry x Witnesses : Jeremie Osbourne & Dennis Evans x Probate : 4 April 1611    [bur.10 February 1610[11] (Note:  Hawker was a misspelling...
From "A History of Ashford" by Arthur Ruderman:      "Quarter Sessions also dealt with trading cases. In 1614 John Harker of Ashford was charged with 'exercising the trade of a miller, and not having been apprenticed.' Three months later Harker was making the same charge against Peter Cole of Ashford. At the same time Peter Cole was alleging that Edward Ellis of Great Chart was engrossing grain, that is, attempting to buy the whole or a substantial part of the supply, in order to sell it at...
John Harker elder, of Ashford, yeoman PRC16 a1099 6 December 1647 to John, Robert, Elizabeth, Mary & Sarah Tritton, children of John Tritton of Kennington, yeo, my son in law - 20sh each at 1 yrs grandson John Tritton - bed etc granddaus Eliz, Mary & Sarah - do - " Mary - gold ring & bible to Thomas, Robt, Joseph & Mary Boulden, children of Thomas Boulden of Wye - 20sh each at 21 years to son John & wife Jane, 2 mess in Kennington (purch of Thomas Grigby gent) for life,...
Will of John Baker:        12 January 1557 (4 & 5 Philip and Mary). I John Bakere of Cessyngherst in Kent Knyght oue of the Kinge and Quenes Majestyes previe Counsell. To be buryed in the parishe churche of Cranebroke in Kent in the place uere where my good wif Dame Elizabeth lieth buryed. To the whiche place I requyre my children and myne executours my deade bodie maye be caryed if I dye wt. in the thre score myles therof or if yt be further by the discretion of myne executors. I will...
Jane Patterson's will, formerly wife of John Patterson ~ To son William Patterson; to son James Patterson's son John; to daughter Elizabeth; to daughter Mary; to son Robert's daughter Jean; to son James' daughter Jean; to daughter Janet. Son-in-law Thomas Dixon and son James to make division. Executors, son James and son-in-law Thomas Dixon. Teste: James Gambel, Robert Gambel. Proved 19 May 1772, by the witnesses. Thos. Dixon refuses to execute. James qualifies (his mark) with Thomas...
Page 305 - 17th March, 1770. John Patterson’s  will - To wife Jane; to grandson John Patterson, son of son Robert; to son John; to son William; to son James; to son Robert; to daughters Agness, Rebecca, Elizabeth.  Teste: George Taylor, John Wiley.  Proved 28th March, 1770, by the witnesses. 19th of June, 1770 Jane Patterson is granted administration and qualifies (mark), with Thos. Patterson, John Allison.
1760, May 2. Brown, James, of Tewksbury, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. "Wife, Margaret, £100, and my moveable estate. Sons, James, Robert, Joseph and Solomon, 5 shillings each. Executors —  Samuel Barkley, John Todd and David Carlisle. Witnesses — Abraham Willet, Samuel Craig, William Leslie. Proved May 25, 1764." 1764, June 7. Inventory, £197.0.2, made by William Ker and John Henry. Lib. H, p. 441.   Following from...
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