
Order Book U, 8 September 1800 [p. 12] Certificate granted Mary CARLILE with John HENRY and George McMANAMY her securities and $1,000 bond for obtaining Letters of Administration on estate of David CARLILE dec'd. John BROWN, George BROWN, Richard THATCHER and James BRADFIELD to appraise estate and make report to the Court. >From "Loudoun Co. Will Book Abstracts, Books A-Z" by Pat Duncan: CARLILE, David Appraisal of 13 Sep 1800: farm and household items. Aprs: George BROWN, John BROWN,...
BIOGRAPHY: The other Ralph Shelton was the son of Sarah gissage (Gissedge) widow of Richard g issage. The identity of his father is not clearly established. Richard Gissage's land was in Pamunkey Neck, on the east side of Cohoke Swamp, extending downward from the tract which ha d been patented by Ambrose Lipscomb, and which lay below the courthouse. He gained title to 2 000 acres, within the Indian Ring, in June 1699, by the action of a committee appointed to se ttle the claims to land in...
• Letter R.S. Duncan 1893 to James Bourne. 

In 1734 John Bourne,Jr. sold his farm near Fredricksburg VA. and moved to Culpeper County, Virginia on the Rapidian River, with brothers Andrew and Henry.
Son Francis went to Kentucky in 1783-84 and led the "300" to Ky in 1789
in Fayette Co. in the fall of the year .
They suffered extreme hardships both going and after their arrival. Story by Daniel Bourne as told by father, Francis s/o John, Jr. and Ellen Davis Bourne.
 John and Andrew were in...
Will Book “A”: 10Culpeper Co., VAw/d 22 Dec 1746; w/p 10 March 1749 In the name of God, Amen: I THOMAS WATTS of St. Thomas Parish in Culpeper County, planter, being in sound and perfect health of mind and memory, thanks be to Almighty God for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of mankind and that it is appointed for all men once to die, and as touching such worldly estate which it has pleased God to bless me with, I do hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby...
"John Bourne, whom we call John II, is our earliest authenticated ancestor as we have his will, which will be given at the end of the chapter. This will was recorded on the 20th day of June, 1721, Essex Co., VA. Therefor John died some time before, leaving his wife Elizabeth Johnson Bourne and 8 children all young. John Bourne III was the oldest and as he was born in 1707 he was 14 years of age at his father's death and the rest were yournger. We do not know what became of Elizabeth, or hw...
Will of John Tolman made 24 December 1722; I give all my estate that I have not disposed of, both in lands, bills, bonds, and movables, to be equally divided among my children and grandchild, herein after named, that is to say, Elizabeth and Joseph, Benjamin and Ann, Ebenezer and Ruth, and my grandchild Farr Tolman, son of my son William, deceased. And my will is, that my grandchild shall have his when he comes to the age of one and twenty years, and if he dies before that, to be equally...
Abstracts of Wills Thomas Tolman Senior.      I Thomas Tolman senior of Dorchester being now entred into the Eightycth yeare of my Age but of good and sound memory do declare this my last will & Testament. Unto my eldest son Thomas Tolman I give my present dwelling house & barne with the half acre of land it stands upon as all the Land Meadow & Upland I gave him at his marriage & that his deeds make mention of. Moreover that six Acres I bought since his Marriage of Jonathan...
The following agreement of the heirs was signed two months later : (Oct 1759)"We the subscribers Children and descendants of Mr. Joseph Chaffe Late of Woodstock in the County of Windham Desd vizt Benjamin Chafie of Ashford Eldest son of ye Said Desd, James Chaffe of Woodstock, Joseph Chaffe aforesaid Samuel Chaffee Josiah Chaffe Stephen Chaffe Joseph Wright & Abigail his Wife all of Woodstock and all in ye County of Windham and being all desirous to settle the Real Estate that j^e said...
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