
ABOUT 1700 Estimated date of birth. Exact date and location unknown. LDS Ancestral File ver H 4.12, 10 Dec 93 shows birth "about 1700". LDS ver 4.11 of 10 Feb 94 shows birth as l7l3, but this seems late in view of age of sons. Parents thought to be Peter and Mary Griffith Watkins, listed in 1716 will of her father, David Griffith but definite proof not yet established.ABOUT 1725 Estimated date of marriage to Mary (?). Exact date and location unknown. Estimate based on birth dates of...
Evan Watkins Sex: M Born: 1710 in New Castle, Delaware Died: 1764 in Frederick County, Virginia Notes: From the book "The Great Wagon Road"by Parke Rouse, Jr. page 68-69: "Titled "A Map of the Inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole Province of Maryland, with Part of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and North Carolina," it showed the Great Wagon Road from the Pennsylvania crossing, the Potomac at WATKINS' FERRY (later Williamsport) into Virginia." "The Virginia Assembly in 1744...
Jesse King was born in Vermont in 1817 and subsequently resided with his wife, Lucretia, and his family near the village of Alexandria in Licking County, Ohio.They moved to Webber Township, Jefferson County, Illinois in 1860. He purchased farm land in the area immediately north of Farrington Road and west of New Harmony Road.Their children were Marcellus, Julius, Mary, Harriett, Victoria, Hezacah, Jeremiah, Sarah, and Ellen.Jesse King continued to reside on his farm after the death of his...
Phyllis was born May 26, 1924, in St. Petersburg, Pa., to John Guy Miller and Cecilia Mary (Hall) Miller. She ventured west to Seattle with a girlfriend, where she met and became engaged to the love of her life, Robert MacGillivray. They married in Oil City, Pa., May 7, 1949. In 1956 they bought an optometric practice in Tillamook and made their home there. Phyllis worked for her husband's optometric practice as a bookkeeper and as a homemaker while raising their two children. Phyllis was a...
No other ruler in England's long and varied history has been honoured with the title the Great. Alfred once declared it his intention "To live worthily as long as I live and after my life to leave to them that should come after, my memory in good works." Few of our monarchs have succeeded as spectacularly in their aims as he did.Early LifeAlfred (Old English-Aelfred) was the fifth and youngest son of Ethelwulf of Wessex and his Jutish first wife, Osburh. He was born at Wantage between 847 and...
ALFRED 'THE GREAT' (r. 871-899)Born at Wantage, Berkshire, in 849, Alfred was the fifth son of Aethelwulf, king of the West Saxons. At their father's behest and by mutual agreement, Alfred's elder brothers succeeded to the kingship in turn, rather than endanger the kingdom by passing it to under-age children at a time when the country was threatened by worsening Viking raids from Denmark.Since the 790s, the Vikings had been using fast mobile armies, numbering thousands of men embarked in...
HISTORIC R OYAL SPEECHES AND WRITINGS The British Monarchy web site [] ALFRED ‘THE GREAT’ (r . 871-899) At the age of 38, Alfred learnt to read and write in Latin as well as English. This passage is prompted by his translation in the 890s of 'De Consolatione Philosophiae' (Consolations of Philosophy) by the Roman philosopher Boethius. (Bracketed passages are Boethius' words, the rest are Alfred's own.) "[You know that I never greatly delighted...
Agatha was the wife of Edward the Exile (heir to the throne of England) and mother of Edgar Ætheling, Saint Margaret of Scotland and Cristina of England. Her antecedents are unclear, and subject to much speculation.LifeNothing is known of her early life, and what speculation has appeared is inextricably linked to the contentious issue of Agatha's paternity, one of the unresolved questions of medieval genealogy. She came to England with her husband and children in 1057, but she was widowed...
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