Johan Valentine Laux and Anna Catherine (Ruehl) RuhlThis family lived in Hesse Darmstadt, now a part of Hesse Nassau, in the area of the old town of Wallau. Wallau in what was called "The Palatine" in Germany. After the Wars of King Louis XIV this area along the Rhine was totally devastated and starvation was a reality. King Louis the XIV was upset with this group of people and worked to destroy them. Johan Valentine and family went with 30,000 other Palatines to London in 1708 and 1709....
Friday, February 16, 2007A Brief History of the Munselles in Texasby Nancy WestMost members of the Munselle family now residing in Texas can trace their ancestry back to LORENZO DOW MUNSELLE, born January 1, 1828 in Licking County, Ohio. Lorenzo came to Texas about 1889 from Mt. Vernon in Jefferson County, Illinois.Lorenzo was married first, 1848, to Phydelia SMITH. By this marriage there were seven children:1. Thomas Tillotson (Doc), also known as T. T., of San Saba, San Saba County, TX. He...
Obituary Henry Lenser, retired from Quaker StateOIL CITYHenry F. Lenser, 77, of 124 E. Seventh St., retired employe of Quaker State Oil Refining Corp., died at 6 p.m. Monday in his home.Mr. Lenser was born in Oil City March 16, 1895, a son of Albert G. and Augusta Koschnitzki Lenser.He retired in 1960 from Quaker State as manager of the wholesale order department.Mr. Lenser was a member of Christ Lutheran Church. He also was a member of Masonic Lodge 710, F. & A.M., Venango Lodge of...
Special Thanks to the Heritage and More Blog for sharing this article on Margaret McCarron It had to have been a difficult year for our great-grandmother. Her husband John died in February of the year leaving her with a family of six to support and none of age enough to have working skills of their own. The oldest, her stepson Patrick, was sixteen and probably capable of finding some sort of minor employment in order to bring in a meager amount of support to help with the...
Special Thanks to the Heritage and More Blog for sharing this article on John McGinnis Sr. Between 1811, when John McGinnis was born, and 1836, the year of his immigration to Canada, Ireland suffered thru at least 8 years of famine, as well as epidemics of Typhus in 1817 and Cholera in 1832. He was but 25 when he entered Canada in 1836. One might easily assume that within these events lies the reason for the man to emigrate to Canada. He was no different than many others...
Lois was the last of 7 children, she passed away 02 May 1968 of breast cancer and was buried at Gorin, Missouri. Her first marriage was to Chan Johnson they had one child, Shirley A. Boyer, dob 2-14-1935, dod 1-19-1966 (accidental gun shot wound by husband, buried Gorin, Missouri. Second marriage to Bill Cook, one child, Sue Jane Dodson, lives in Alburquerque, New Mexico. Third marriage to ______Rebo.
Most of the information on the children is from The Ten Broeck Genealogy, pages 35-36. Pages 10-35 of this book are a detailed biography of Dirck, who was a very prominent man. He was alderman under the original charter of the city of Albany, 1686, recorder for ten years, member of provincial assembly, five years, and was appointed the fourth mayor of Albany, 1696. Dirck's date of birth is taken from the record of his death written by his eldest son, Wessel, in his family Bible: "My father,...
Will of John Leggett of Westchester, made at Port Royall, in the Island of Jamaica, dated Oct. 2nd, 1679. Letters testamentary granted to Ffredrich Phillips, as Executor by Sir Edmund Andros, Feb 2nd, 1680, reciting: Whereas John Leggett, late of Westchester, marriner, departed this life on the Island of Jamaica, and that his last will hath been proved in the court of the Mayor and Alderman of New York City, and security given by the Executor."New York Surrogate's Office, Wills, Liber. I, pp....