
Hester (Esther) du Bois was born on October 1st, 1625 in Canterbury, Kent, England.  Her baptism took place there on October 9th, 1625.  Witnesses to her baptism: Jean du Boise, her uncle; Jean Desmullie, widow of Pierre du Bois, the grandmother; and Esther Pierquin. She was a Huguenot.Hester's father was Pierre du Bois, and her mother was Catherine Clarisse.  Her paternal grandparents were Pierre de Fiennes du Bois and Jean des Mulles; her maternal grandparents were Jean Clarisse and Sara le...
 1648                One of four to appraise the estate of Abraham Turner neighbor on the Ware River on Mockjack Bay, Charles River County (Gloucester County)10 Oct 1642     Acquired land on the Ware River in Mojack Bay Charles River Coiunty (Gloucester)4 June 1642     Buys for 7500 lb tobacco, 550 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock Rive r from Richard Bennett merchant, part of a patent 4 Nov 1642. (Lancaster County Court Orders 1652-55, p. 21)21 June 1650   350 acres on the...
When thinking of old Virginia colonial homes, you tend to think in terms of Williamsburg and the James River Plantations.  Beautiful they are, but also somewhat brittle and museum like.  One of the loveliest counties in Virginia with a wealth of old homes is Gloucester County, the first county of our Taliaferro family.  Most are still family homes hiding down at the end of two-track country lanes somewhere beyond the tree line.  Here are word pictures of two Taliaferro haunts, Marlfield  and...
"Taliaferro's Mount is located 6 miles north of Port Royal, Caroline County, Va. In 1969 Port Royal was the first town placed on the Virginia Landmarks Register and nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. Port Royal as chartered in 1744. Taliaferro's Mount is located on the north bank of Mount Creek near its mouth to the Rappahannock River. To get there go north on US#17 to the top of Mount Hill, take a right on Rte#615, go about 3/4 mile, take another right on Rte 614, go to...
5 Sept 1666 Richard White and his wife Adria of Rappahannock County for 20 lbs in goods, 3 English Servants sold to Robert Taliaferro Gloucester Co, 1500 acres in Rappahannock County on the south side of the Rappahannock River.  p. 79ESSEX COUNTY DEED BOOK 13, Page 428:  9 August 1711 Conveyance of Robert Taliaferro to Samuel Short.  40 pounds sterling.  Tract of 100 acres, part of land formerly granted to Robert Taliaferro, deceased, father of Robert Taliaferro, containing 739 acres by...
Robert TaliaferroIt is believed that, the Robert and Katherine Taliaferro moved their family to Taliaferro's Mount, but this is not been confirmed, although other factors make it seem plausible. In the cellar of the house presently standing on Taliaferro's Mount, the outlines of a much earlier structure are visible. The land is privately owned and was purchased in 1984/5 by a new owner who planned extensive renovations and research of the property and structures.  A little distance from the...
Portions of the will of Bartholomew Tallefer read as follows:"To my four sons Scipio, Fraunces, Isak, and Jeromme two hundred pounds sterling when they shall be of the age of twenty one years.To Elizabeth my daughter to be given at her marrige one hundred pounds sterling, meaning that she shall not marry until she be of the age of sixteen years or according to the will of her mother.To Jone my wife one hundered pounds sterling, if she marries again. If she does not, she is to have all the...
Hester was baptized October 9, 1625. Witnesses: Jean du Bois, her uncle, Jean Desmullie, widow of Pierre Du Bois, the grandmother; and Esther Pierquin.The record says her father was a Huguenot of Amsterdam, though late of Canterbury, England where Esther was born and baptized. (Lafayette De La Mater, Descendants of Claude Le Maitre, 1882, pg. 17). She said she was born and reared in a humble home. On "the quiet Sabbath, she was wont to accompany her parents to the grand old cathedral, and...
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