Obituary from The Derrick (Oil City, Pennsylvania Newspaper Thursday January 6, 1966)Jessie Clinger, 90, Dies In Pfaff Home WednesdayMrs. Carlton C. (Jessie) Clinger, 90, of 141 River Street, Siverly, died at 10 PM, Wednesday in the Pfaff Nursing Home. Born March 15, 1875 in Caldwell Furnace, Clarion County, she was the daughter of George and Margaret Mohnkern Krug.Mrs. Clinger was a School teacher at Siverly Grade School 70 years ago.She was a member of the First United Presbyterian Church...
Obituary from The Derrick (Oil City, Pennsylvania Newspaper Thursday May 20, 1948)Carlton Clinger Aged 85, Is Dead Carlton C. Clinger, 85 died at his home, 141 River Street at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday morning following a week's illness.He was born at Walnut Bend March 3, 1863 a son of the late George and Kathryn Taylor Clinger. He was married to Miss Jessie Krug in Oil City on June 2, 1897 and has resided in Oil City since that time.He was employed in the construction department of the Oil...
The Origin of the Family of Taliaferro is the title of a sketch in The Virginia Magazine of History an Biography, vol. 77 - Jan.1969, published by Virginia Historical Society, Box 7511, Richmond, Virginia 23221 - 0311. The Editor being familiar with the name in the same spelling as the title above, recalling both families by the name and a street by the name, in city of birth, Tampa, Florida, is glad to pass on this contribution, or at least, a report of same for those who may be interested....
Will of Henry Johnson of St. Marys Parish, Essex Co Va planter. Dated 30 Oct. 1702. Prob. 10 June 1703. To son Richard 400 acres "I now live upon". To dau Ann plantation Robt Bent lives on. To dau Katherine 100 acres "the backwardest part of the tract". To son Richd the 3 1/4 acres bought of Capt Battaile. (Prob a mill) Personal estate to be div among 4 children, Richard, Sarah, Katherine and Anne, "and my wife", daughter Elizabeth having had her part. To be delivered to heirs when at age or...
French Protestant who left France to escape Papal rule and came to England. He had many children, one son was named Thomas. In 1705, Thomas Poindexter was mentioned in the vestry book of Saint Paul's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia. By 1711, it appears that his widow had married James Brechin, since Brechin was listed as the person in control of land later (in 1719) listed under the control of Thomas Poindexter's eldest son, John Poindexter. Thomas apparently died between 1705 and 1710...
Notes: the first generation of Sheltons in America arriving in Jun 1610 travelling with his relative, Lord De la Warr aboard the "Sea Venture", which was wrecked on Bermuda. He was a member of the first courts from 1619-1624 and was a resident of Jamestown, Virginia in 1620. He and his father were members of the "London Company" James had a land grant on the Potomac, 16 Oct 1650. Part of "Currioman" Westmoreland County, Virginia was one of the original land grants to James. This grant was...
"William and Mary Quarterly" Second Series, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Jul., 1929), pp. 201-208 explains the evidence for linking the Virginia family of Ralph Shelton of Virginia to the Norfolk England Sheltons. Sir Ralph Shelton of Norfolk England had son James Shelton whose name was misspelled in some Virginia records as Skelton. Nevertheless, the Gentlemen of the Second Virginia Company who were with the Norfolk Shelton family related that "Sir Thomas Shelton, Gentleman of Norfolk England" buried in...
Higbee Genealogy from Book of Higbee Descendants Owned by Judge Walter A. Higbee, Lancaster, Mo. Copied by John L. Vermillion, 1962Descendant Born or Baptized-died Married Wife or husb 1. John Hygobed I 1450 (collector of Manor Taxes in 1481) 2. John Hygobed II 1480-1535 1504 Juliana 3. John Higbed III 1505-1548 Agnes...