Oct 5
1834 • A pro-republic uprising fails in Piedmont; one of the activists is Giuseppe Garibaldi. |
Feb 5
Age: 20y
marriageFrank Van Deusen Ithaca, New York, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1855 • Stamp duty is removed from newspapers in Britain, creating mass market media in the United Kingdom. |
Jun 1
Age: 80y
1915 • The controversial film, The Birth of a Nation, directed by D.W. Griffith, premieres in Los Angeles, California. It will be the highest-grossing film for around 25 years. |
Apr 13
Age: 88y
1923 • The Grouping: All major British railway companies are grouped into four larger companies, under terms of the Railways Act 1921. |