♂ Hellin De Franchimont II

1246 - 1275


Marquis de Franchimont

Hellin De Franchimont II
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Hellin De Franchimont
Hellin De Franchimont
1225 - 1256
Agnes of Bavaria
Agnes of Bavaria
1229 - 1306
Agnis De Duras
Agnis De Duras
1248 - 1271
Jean De Franchimont
Jean De Franchimont
1267 - 1314


1246 Güyük Khan is enthroned as the 3rd Great Khan of the Mongol Empire (an event also witnessed by a papal mission under Giovanni da Pian del Carpine) at Karakorum.


Age: 21y
1267 Roger Bacon completes his work Opus Majus and sends it to Pope Clement IV, who had requested it be written; the work contains wide-ranging discussion of mathematics, optics, alchemy, astronomy, astrology, and other topics, and includes what some believe to be the first description of a magnifying glass. Bacon also completes Opus Minus, a summary of Opus Majus, later in the same year. The only source for his date of birth is his statement in the Opus Tertium, written in 1267, that "forty years have passed since I first learned the alphabet". The 1214 birth date assumes he was not being literal, and meant 40 years had passed since he matriculated at Oxford at the age of 13. If he had been literal, his birth date was more likely to have been around 1220.


Age: 29y
1275 • The Mongol Golden Horde raids Lithuania for the third time.
