♂ Henry Brooks

1592 - 1683

Henry Brooks
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John Brooke
John Brooke
1568 - 1607
Hannah Brooks
Hannah Brooks
1625 - 1692

     Henry Brooks seems to have materially increased his estate and wealth during his lifetime. While in 1650 he called himself a simple yeoman, in his old age he called himself a clothier. In Pope's words, "A 'clothier' was a man who combined the various departments of cloth-making and handled the products. The clothier criticized, accepted, or rejected, and adjusted the prices of the cloths, and put them on the market. It was also usually very profitable, so that clothiers were very often more wealthy.





Age: 33y
1625 • A Dutch fleet attacks the Portuguese garrison at Elmina castle at present-day Elmina, Ghana, but is defeated with heavy casualties. This defeat, along with the defeats at Bahia and Puerto Rico caused a 5-year-long lull in Dutch attacks on Spanish and Portuguese colonies.


Apr 12
Age: 91y
1683 • The British crown colony of New York is subdivided into 12 counties.
