♂ Hugh Capet

941 - 996


King of the Franks, The Great

Hugh Capet
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Hugh The Great
Hugh The Great
0898 - 0956
Hedwige of Saxony
Hedwige of Saxony
0910 - 0965
Robert II of France
Robert II of France
0972 - 1031

The realm in which Hugh grew up, and of which he would one day be king, bore no resemblance to modern France. Hugh's predecessors did not call themselves rois de France ("Kings of France"), and that title was not used until the time of his distant descendant Philip II Augustus . Kings ruled as rex Francorum ("King of the Franks") and the lands over which they ruled comprised only a very small part of the former Carolingian Empire .




Mar 27
Age: 31y


Jul 3
Age: 46y


Noyon, Picardy, France ⇓
Crowned rex Francorum, king of the Franks.
987 • The Zirids fail to reconquer the western part of the Maghrib which they have recently lost to the Umayyads.Gilbert Meynier (2010) L'Algérie cœur du Maghreb classique. De l'ouverture islamo-arabe au repli (658-1518). Paris: La Découverte; pp.45.


Oct 24
Age: 55y
996 • In a continuing effort to expend northward, the de facto ruler of al-Andalus, al-Mansur captures the city of Astorga.
