♂ John Bourne Jr.

1707 - 1774

John Bourne Jr.
John Bourne
John Bourne
1672 - 1721
Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
1676 - 1760
Sarah Ramsey
Sarah Ramsey
???? - 1730
Eleanor Davis
Eleanor Davis
1720 - 1812
Catherine Bourne
Catherine Bourne
1765 - 1834

John Bourne Jr. was only 14 when his father died. He inherited the family plantation and became the head of the household. He married at age 19 to Sarah Ramsey, who bore him three children before her death. After the death of Sarah in 1734, John sold the plantation and moved to Culpepper County, Va. where he met and married Eleanor Davis. John and Eleanor had 11 children.



Age: 17y
1725 • The Order of Alexander Nevsky is instituted in Russia by Empress Catherine I.


Age: 29y
1737 • The planet Venus passes in front of Mercury. The event is witnessed during the evening hours by the amateur astronomer John Bevis at the Royal Greenwich Observatory. As of 2006, it is still the only such planet/planet occultation that has been directly observed.


Age: 58y
1765 James Watt makes a breakthrough in the development of the steam engine by constructing a model with a separate condenser.
