♂ John Murdock

1733 - 1804

John Murdock
Robert Murdock
Robert Murdock
1693 - 1779
Anne Boyd
Anne Boyd
1703 - 1791
Jerusha Hatch
Jerusha Hatch
1740 - 1814
Zerah Murdock
Zerah Murdock
1754 - 1822
Seymour Murdock
Seymour Murdock
1764 - 1833

His brother Thomas married Elizabeth Hatch and moved to Norwich.  Elizabeth is mentioned as the sister of "John and Joseph Hatch" of Norwich, Connecticut.  Jerusha Hatch also had two brothers John and Joseph, and was born in Preston, Connecticut.  It is possible they are sisters.  His other brother Andrew made a will, which mentions Zerah as one of the John's children.  He had two sisters as well, Miriam and Margaret.





1733 • The right of Canadians to keep Indian slaves is upheld at Quebec.


Dec 11
Age: 22y

birth of child

Zerah Murdock
Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, USA ⇓
Zerah is mentioned in the will of his uncle Andrew Murdock as a son of John Murdock. Even though Andrew Murdock and his wife Tamisen had no children, they named many of their nieces and nephews in their will.
3 Sources ⇓
1754 • The Albany Congress of New England Colonies proposes an American Union.


Jan 20
Age: 24y


Jerusha Hatch
Preston, Connecticut, USA ⇓
Since John's marriage to Jerusha Hatch is mentioned two years after Zerah's birthdate, it is possible Zerah was the son of a first wife.
John's sister Agnes married James Dixon two months later in the same place.
4 Sources ⇓
1757 Battle of Khresili: King Solomon I of Imereti defeats the Ottoman army and an allied faction of nobles in what is now western Georgia.


Aug 10
Age: 24y


Preston, Connecticut, USA ⇓
Marched from Preston for the relief of Fort William Henry, a member of Capt. Nathan Leonard's company.
1 Source ⇓
1757 Seven Years' WarBattle of Gross-Jägersdorf: A Prussian army under Hans von Lehwald is defeated by the Russian army of Marshal Stepan Apraksin.


Jan 11
Age: 31y


Age: 71y
1804 Ohio University is chartered by the Ohio General Assembly.
