Joseph Lester
Hannah Brooks
Hannah Brooks
1625 - 1692
Mary Lester
Mary Lester
1705 - 1776



Age: 28y
1693 Dimitrie Cantemir presents his Kitâbu 'İlmi'l-Mûsiki alâ Vechi'l-Hurûfât (The Book of the Science of Music through Letters) to Sultan Ahmed II, which deals with melodic and rhythmic structure and practice of Ottoman music and contains the scores for around 350 works composed during and before his own time in an alphabetical notation system he invented.


May 6
Age: 40y
1705 • The Shogunate confiscates the property of a merchant in Osaka "for conduct unbecoming a member of the commercial class". The government seizes 50 pairs of gold screens, 360 carpets, several mansions, 48 granaries and warehouses scattered around the country and hundreds of thoudands of gold pieces.
