Aug 16
1879 • Russia and the United Kingdom sign the Treaty of Gandamak, establishing an Afghan state. |
Sep 1
Age: 27y
marriageSusan Marion Fisher Ballard, Washington, USA ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1906 • The Grand Duchy of Finland becomes the first nation to include the right of women to stand as candidates when it adopts universal suffrage. |
Dec 18
Age: 29y
birth of childEleanor Stuart Seattle, King, Washington, USA ⇓ |
1908 • The first Scout Troop outside the U.K. is formed in Gibraltar. |
Jun 20
Age: 31y
birth of childNelson Stuart Seattle, King, Washington, USA ⇓ |
1911 • Mexican Revolution: Pancho Villa launches an attack against government troops in Ciudad Juarez without Madero's permission; the government troops surrender on May 10. |
May 24
Age: 35y
birth of childPhyllis M Stuart Seattle, King, Washington, USA ⇓ |
1915 • HMHS Britannic, which will be the largest individual British loss in WWI, departs Liverpool on her maiden voyage as a hospital ship. |
Nov 11
Age: 50y
1929 • A coup ousts Augustinas Voldemaras in Lithuania; the new president is Antanas Smetona. |