Jun 9
1075 • The Song Dynasty Chinese polymath scientist and statesman Shen Kuo solves a heated border dispute with the Liao Dynasty by dredging up old diplomatic records; he refutes Emperor Daozong of Liao's bluffs point for point during a meeting at Mt. Yongan (near modern Pingquan in Hebei), and reestablishes the Song's rightful borders. |
Apr 18
Age: 39y
birth of childGertrude of Süpplingenburg 2 Sources ⇓ |
1115 • Roger of Salerno's Crusaders rout the Seljuk Turks at the Battle of Sarmin in Syria. |
Dec 4
Age: 62y
deathBreitenwang, Bavaria ⇓ Died during his campaign against Sicily while crossing the Alps. 1 Source ⇓ |
1137 • Rochester Cathedral is severely damaged by a fire, but is soon rebuilt. |