Jun 24
1834 • Zollverein: Customs charges are abolished at borders within Germany. |
Jun 2
Age: 11m
1835 • Organisation of the universal Catholic Apostolic Church, initially in the U.K. |
Jan 30
Age: 25y
birth of childFrederic Gartner Abenheim, Hesse, Germany ⇓ 2 Sources ⇓ |
1860 • Assisted by the British navy, the troops of Giuseppe Garibaldi cross from Sicily to the Italian mainland. |
Sep 15
Age: 27y
marriageCarolus Gartner Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
Dec 26
Age: 29y
birth of childMary Gartner Germany ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1863 • Douglas becomes the capital of the Isle of Man, after its parliament (Tynwald) moves its chambers from Castletown. |
Age: 32y
Age: 32y
birth of childPeter Gartner Germany ⇓ |
1867 • The Atlantic Cable Quartz Lode gold mine is named in Montana. |
Age: 34y
Age: 34y
birth of childElizabeth H Gartner Germany ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1869 • Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace is published complete in book form. |
Feb 7
Age: 37y
birth of childJohn J Gartner Germany ⇓ |
1872 • The New Zealand Wars end after 27 years. |
Jun 18
Age: 38y
immigrationNew York, USA ⇓ On that day they departed on the Steamship the Holsatia under captain Barends, from Hamburg, Germany to New York. The record shows that before that they were residing in Bürstadt, Hessen, Germany. 3 Sources ⇓ |
1873 • Siege of Bilbao (Third Carlist War; until 2 May 1874): Campaigning in Navarre, Pretender Don Carlos VII and General Joaquín Elío besiege Bilbao, held by General Ignacio del Castillo and 1,200 men. The Carlist force is ten times this number and includes most of the troops from Navarre, Vizcaya and Alava, although a considerable force is left in Guipúzcoa. Despite defeat at nearby Somorrostro, Republic commander Marshal Francisco Serrano, supported by Generals Manuel de la Concha and Arsenio Martínez Campos, brilliantly breaks the siege and Concha then marches on Estella. |
Age: 39y
birth of childMargaret Gartner Hammond, Indiana, USA ⇓ |
1874 • Ignacio María González becomes head of state of the Dominican Republic for the first time. |
Age: 41y
Age: 41y
birth of childCharles Gartner Hammond, Indiana, USA ⇓ |
1876 • Montenegro declares war on the Ottoman Empire. |
Age: 44y
birth of childNicholas Gartner Hammond, Indiana, USA ⇓ |
1879 • Wilhelm Wundt establishes the first psychology research laboratory at the University of Leipzig. |
Age: 45y
1880 • France annexes Tahiti. |
Age: 46y
birth of childEdward Gartner Hammond, Indiana, USA ⇓ |
1881 • Romania is proclaimed a kingdom; Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen is crowned King of Romania. |
Age: 65y
residenceHammond, Lake, Indiana, USA ⇓ UNSURE ON THIS - not sure if census is correct - has son edward who doesn't appear in the 1880 census 1 Source ⇓ |
1900 • Australasian prospector Albert Fuller Ellis identifies phosphate deposits on the Pacific Islands of Nauru and Banaba Island (Ocean Island). |
Mar 20
Age: 84y
deathHammond, Indiana, USA ⇓ Hit by a train. 2 Sources ⇓ |
1919 • Amanullah Khan attacks British government in India. |