1634 • The first performance of the Oberammergau Passion Play is held in Bavaria. |
Age: 25y
marriageMayke Cornelise Barnavelt Holland ⇓ 1 Source ⇓ |
1659 • Treaty of Pyrenees: French King Louis XIV and King Philip IV of Spain agree to French acquisition of Roussillon and most of Artois, and formally end their 24-year war. |
Age: 32y
birth of childGeertje Ysselsteyn New York, USA ⇓ 2 Sources ⇓ |
1666 • Apostasy of Sabbatai Zevi in Istanbul. |
Age: 41y
1675 • 2 – While Wampanoags and Nipmucks attack Deerfield, Massachusetts, Captain Samuel Moseley commands Massachusetts troops in an attack on the Pennacook tribe. |
Age: 71y
1705 • Taichung City, Taiwan is founded as the village of Dadun. |