It is likely that Mary lived near a sister Margaret Jones, who married Wolston Brockway. Wolston and Jonathan co-signed an instrument early in 1709, Wolston had drawn lots for the Tillotson brothers, Jonathan and Wolston’s widow signed the administrator’s bond, and the Brockway son Jonathan and a Tillotson son, David, were close friends. In the 1716 a quitclaim by Tillotson sons John and David to Col. Thomas Sanders of Poughkeepsie, NY, of Samuel Brockway’s real estate, and this claim is very likely through the Jones girls.
1656 • Mehmed Köprülü becomes Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. |
Jan 10
Age: 27y
marriageJonathan Tillotson Saybrook, Connecticut, USA ⇓ 2 Sources ⇓ |
1683 • Wild boars are hunted to extinction in Britain. |
Nov 17
Age: 38y
birth of childDavid Tillotson Lyme, New London, Connecticut, USA ⇓ 5 Sources ⇓ |
Jan 7
Age: 83y
1739 • The first Bible in Estonian is published. |