♂ Robert I Duke of Normandy

1000 - 1035


The Magnificent

Robert I Duke of Normandy
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Herleva of Falaise
Herleva of Falaise
1003 - 1050
William of England
William of England
1027 - 1087

His son William sent a mission to Constantinople and Nicaea, charging it with bringing his father's body back to Normandy for burial. Permission was granted, but, having travelled as far as Apulia (Italy) on the return journey, the envoys learned that William himself had meanwhile died. They then decided to re-inter Robert's body in Italy.



Age: 26y
1027 • This is the first year of the first rabqung (60-year) cycle started in the Tibetan calendar.


Jul 3
Age: 35y
1035 • Construction on the cathedral of Saint Sabino begins in Bari.
