♂ Samuel Manning

1644 - 1711

Samuel Manning
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William Manning
William Manning
1614 - 1690
Abiel Wight
Abiel Wight
1653 - 1713

Samuel Manning was a town clerk for six years, a selectman for nine years, and a deputy to the General Court from 1695-6.  Him and his wife had twelve children.




Age: 50y


Billerica, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA ⇓
From 1695-6, he was a deputy to the General Court. At the time, the colonial assembly not only met as the judicial court of appeals, but also created laws. The court was called the "Great and General Court" all the way until 1780.
2 Sources ⇓
1695 English pirate Henry Every perpetrates one of the most profitable raids in history with the capture of the Grand Mughal ship Ganj-i-Sawai. In response, Emperor Aurangzeb threatens to put an end to all English trading in India.
