♀ Sarah Katherine Dedman

1626 - 1713


Katherine Grimes, Deadman, Debnam

Sarah Katherine Dedman
Henry William Dedman
Henry William Dedman
1600 - 1655
Robert Taliaferro
Robert Taliaferro
1626 - 1671
Mary Taliaferro
Mary Taliaferro
1658 - 1695

Born Sarah Katherine Deadman, daughter of Henry Dedman and Katherine. After Henry passed Katherine married Rev. Charles Grymes and he adopted Sarah Katherine. She is also known as Sarah Grymes, Katherine Dedman, Katherine Deadman, Catherine Debnam, Catherine Grymes and Sarah Dedman. Sarah's mother was also named Katherine.


1626 • (O.S.) The ship Arms of Amsterdam arrives in Europe from New Netherland (left September 23) with the news: "They have purchased the Island Manhattes [Manhattan] from the Indians for the value of 60 guilders." (from P. Schagen letter dated November 7).


Age: 27y


Robert Taliaferro
Virginia, USA ⇓
1653 13First Anglo-Dutch WarBattle of the Gabbard: The English navy defeats the Dutch fleet, which loses 17 ships.


Age: 87y
1713 • French residents of Acadia given one year to declare allegiance to Britain or leave Nova Scotia.
